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I just saw a documentary this last weekend. Who Killed The Electric Car. This is am amazing Documentary.

The coincidence is here:

A couple of weeks before his death, Sweet said that the automotive industry was testing his power unit for use in cars, and that they had a unit running for 5,000 hours. He said he was dealing with people at General Motors, but no one has been able to confirm Sweet's claims.

Ref: A New Physics for a New Energy Source - by Jeanne Manning

In the next picture, we see the EV1 made by GM. The first all electric modern car. Some famous people had an EV1: Mel Gibson, Tom Hanks and many other people.

After the leases were up, GM Repossessed the EV1's and this is what GM did to them.

Some people put up a fight, unfortunately they were not successful. There is not one EV1 on the road anymore, the last one was removed from the road in 2005. Electric Cars are not new, we had Electric cars 100 years ago.

The worlds first advanced electric car, a 108-year-old vehicle that led to the first hybrid car that were both developed by Ferdinand Porsche at the turn of the century. Does this statement sound like a step backwards?

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